MONTRÉAL, April 20, 2021 /CNW/ – The water technologies team at SANEXEN Environmental Services Inc. (“SANEXEN”) is celebrating a big win for ALTRA Proven Water Technologies. Today, it was awarded Canada’s Clean50 Top Project for 2021 by Delta Management Group and Canada’s Clean50 organization, who recognize the best sustainability-oriented projects completed in Canada over the last two years. Projects are chosen based on four “I’s” criteria: Impactful, Innovative, Inspiring and can readily be Imitated

“We are honoured to receive the 2021 Clean50 award for our ALTRA Proven Water Technologies,” said Martin Bureau, Vice-President, Innovation for SANEXEN. “We believe strongly in ALTRA’s innovative approach to protect and renew North America’s aging water main infrastructure, and this award further confirms that we are offering a solution that will make a difference in the environment and that will protect clean water supply in communities for generations to come.”

Gavin Pitchford, CEO, Delta Management Group explains, “Delta’s criteria in determining Project awards is to carefully consider a combination of actual measurable impact, demonstrated innovation, and the project’s ability to inspire others to imitate it – and SANEXEN’S ALTRA proven resilient water main renewal technology is a terrific example”.

The ALTRA team’s award-winning project set out to confirm that its solution, also recently awarded the Solar Impulse Foundation’s Efficient Solutions label, is the most resilient technology available today against severe earthquakes and other natural disasters. It involved rigorous testing of their water technology at Cornell University’s Geotechnical Lifelines Large-Scale Testing Facility in Ithaca, NY, where environmental engineers, municipal works department leaders and scientists investigated the performance of ALTRA Proven Water Technologies under large ground deformation. The tests were performed on new ductile iron pipe (DI) and older cast iron (CI) pipe, lined with ALTRA. Test scenarios included among other factors, axial force (tension and compression), four-point bending and large-scale fault rupture. These forces are all present during seismic events and other events causing large ground deformations. ALTRA’s resiliency far surpassed expectations.

“Working with leaders in cities across North America who are ready to tackle the very pressing challenge of fortifying their aging water infrastructure now instead of later, is what drives us,” said Madeleine Paquin, President and CEO of LOGISTEC Corporation. “We are all witnessing first-hand how climate change is bringing increasingly severe environmental conditions and is threatening our already fragile water main infrastructure. The time to act is now, and our technology receiving the Clean50 Top Project award today demonstrates that our solution is the best choice for the future.”


SANEXEN Environmental Services Inc., a member of the LOGISTEC family, is a leading provider of environmental solutions for the past 35 years. With its key business lines – Site Remediation, Major Projects, Infrastructure, Soil and Materials Management and Water Technologies – SANEXEN continues to deliver creative and customized solutions to industrial, municipal and governmental customers and partners. SANEXEN’s expert environmental engineers and scientists combined with their in-house research and development teams continue to explore and implement new technologies to address the ever-evolving environmental issues the world faces today.

About Delta Management Group / Canada’s Clean50

Leading sustainability and clean tech search firm Delta Management Group was founded in 2011 and remains the steward of Canada’s Clean50 awards. The awards were created to annually identify, recognize and connect 50 sustainability leaders, 10-20 emerging leaders and top projects from every sector of Canadian endeavor. The firm also annually convenes the Clean50 Summit, in order to facilitate understanding, collaboration and innovation in the fight to keep human caused climate impacts below 1.5 degrees.

SOURCE Logistec Corporation – Communications

For further information: Marie-Chantal Savoy, Vice-President, Strategy and Communications, Phone: (514) 985-2337, Email: [email protected]; Media Contact: Gavin Pitchford, Office: 416-925-2005 x2300, Mobile: 774-330-6606, Email: [email protected]

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